The Best Way To Escape The Busyness Trap

Are you on the ‘busy’ treadmill?

Always busy. Always tired. Always running. 

You pay the bills. 

You shop for food (and cook and clean up).

You get the kids to school. 

You work. 

Then you work some more.

And to ‘relax’, you pour over social media or look endlessly on your phone. 

You rinse and repeat. 

Being too busy is the 21st century version of the common cold. 

Most of us are afflicted.

Busyness has become the new badge of honor. 

The problem is the endless busy cycle keeps every day simultaneously filled and unfulfilling.

We are on a treadmill that never ends, leading a life where we don’t have time to think or imagine anything different.

We don’t have time to refresh, rejuvenate or reassess whether or not how we fill our days is the best way to express our unique set of gifts and to fulfill our destiny.

And in the end, too much busyness leads to burnout. 

As Ellie Roscher says in her book 12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live A More intentional Life “We overfill our lives, hoping more will make us feel like we are enough.”  

But the good news is there is a way out. 

The best way to step away from the busyness trap is to have a vision. 

A vision will expand our view, narrowed by all that busyness, so you can see the big picture and tap fully into your resources. 

With a vision, you can carve out a future of intention.

With a vision, you can create a reality that is personally relevant to us. 

With a vision, you can step into a future of true, unending prosperity. 

Francois Mauriac observed that “Men resemble great deserted palaces: the owner occupies only a few rooms and has closed off wings where he never ventures.”

Don’t let busyness close the doors to the breathtaking palace of life. 

Get off the runaway train. 

Stop and breathe for a moment. 

Ditch the ‘to do list’ and dream. 

Open up a lovely space where you can leave the busyness in the rear-view mirror and can bask in the full beauty of you. 

As Tim Kreider writes “Life is too short to be busy.”

If you want to learn how to walk away from ‘too busy’ and walk towards bounty, I’d love to talk with you.

Grab an appointment with me here.

LeadershipUrsula Pottinga